Sedation Options

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Even though it’s sometimes referred to as sleep dentistry, you’re not asleep unless you’re under general anesthesia. Sedation for dental treatment uses various medications to promote relaxation and alleviate dental anxiety during a dental treatment. We use sleep dentistry for many different types of procedures, including dental cleanings or more invasive procedures. If you want more information on this very popular option for dental treatments, call us today.

What are the types of Sedation?

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide, known to many as laughing gas, is the most used form of sedation in dentistry. It is administered by having the patient inhale the gas, which is carefully monitored by your doctor. You will fall into a euphoric state and feel completely relaxed. All feelings of fear and anxiety fade away, leaving you to sit back peacefully while your dental procedure is performed. In most cases all dental work can be completed in one visit while you are sedated.

Nitrous oxide sedation is very safe and effective. Once the procedure is over the nitrous oxide will wear off quickly, and you will probably be able to drive yourself home and return to your daily activities.

You will need to have a preliminary visit with your dentist to make sure that you are an eligible candidate for nitrous sedation. If you have been worried about your next dental visit its time to stop! Ask us about sedation dentistry and schedule your appointment today.

Oral Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is taken in pill form about an hour before your treatment is scheduled to begin. This medication will make you feel groggy and calm, and you might even fall asleep during your procedure. If you experience moderate levels of dental anxiety or you will be undergoing an invasive procedure, oral conscious sedation may be a good option for you. If you choose oral conscious sedation, you cannot drive yourself home after your appointment since the effects don’t wear off immediately. Make sure to arrange a ride home from our office!

IV Sedation

This sedation option is typically reserved for patients who will be undergoing surgery or extensive treatment like impacted wisdom teeth extraction. IV sedation and general anesthesia patients are closely monitored to ensure that you always receive the proper dosage to keep you comfortable. You won’t be fully asleep during your procedure, but the sedative will make you feel very groggy. You will also need to arrange for a ride home from your appointment since it can take a few hours for the effects to fully subside.